Serving natives and Venezuelan immigrants in Ecuador


Ecuador is a beautiful country rich in cacao bean, coffee, and other natural resources, yet is a country filled with people in great need of humanitarian help.  With the current situation in Venezuela, migrants are fleeing by the millions in a mass exodus to evade a brutal dictatorship. Many end up in various countries throughout South America, such as Ecuador.  Arriving in Ecuador as a Venezuelan brings its difficulties that come with entering a country that’s not ones own. Not only must they leave their family, friends, and life behind, they must restart in another country.  They must look for a job, a place to live, and begin over again with a new community of people. How much could spending time with someone like that mean to them when they have no one else to turn to, or talk to? How much would it mean to them to receive new clothing?


On the other hand, lying in the most remote villages of the country, high upon the mountaintops exceeding five thousand feet, reside the indigenous people of Ecuador.  Being so removed from modern day society, they must travel hours to receive their basic necessities. When they do get to town, they don’t have adequate resources to purchase everything that they need to cover the basic needs of them and their families.   A visitor for them is scarce because it is often hard to locate their villages in the midst of the treacherous mountains. Visitors are always welcomed by the indigenous people with a plate of food and the best smile that they have. These people in such need always offer up the best of themselves, yet wouldn’t it be worth it to give to them instead?

Hearts of Life recently had their boots on the ground in Ecuador giving clothing donations to the countries most vulnerable people in need.  They visited villages outside of Riobamba, giving to the indigenous people something they needed dearly, winter clothing such as coats and sweaters.  As they’re high in the mountains, this is a very much needed resource that Hearts of Life was able to provide. Also, they were able to give out warm baby clothes to many families.  Seeing the smiles on the faces of those in need was worth the strenuous trip to get there. In the city of Guayaquil, we were able to reach the families of over one hundred Venezuelan migrants, fleeing the brutal conflict in their country.  The team was able to impact the lives of children and adults alike by gifting them clothing and just sitting and talking to them.

Moving forward, Hearts of Life sees a great need in Ecuador and plans on spearheading new projects throughout the country.