Eye cataracts and the Hearts of Life Foundation

The Corazones de Vida Foundation offers quality vision services at low cost in its 4 branches throughout the country. In the world, 5 out of 10 people suffer from some type of visual disease that can cause partial or total loss of vision, if it is not treated in time.

It also makes cataract surgery available to Salvadorans for free or at an affordable price of $ 275, if it is urgent, in a certified hospital with properly trained personnel.

“We were born in 2010 with the aim of helping the neediest people, so by chance we arrived in Metapán to a very poor place, we helped 2 orphanages in Haiti, we have made homes for people with limited resources, medical days, workshops visual health, we bring food, delivery of free medicine, channeling everything we have been able to ”, explained Darío Landaverde, director of the foundation.

At the end of 2009 God puts a dream in the heart of the Apostle Luis Morales, to help orphaned children. Thus, in January 2010, the earthquake occurred in Haiti, the place where he traveled to collaborate with local pastors and learn first-hand about the great need that had arisen as a result of the tragedy.

For this reason, Haiti is the starting point to help the needy that leads him to found “Corazones de Vida”, which later settled in El Salvador and began his tireless altruistic work in favor of the less favored.

Mainly, with the commitment to be an organization that connects the hearts of people and altruistic organizations with the need and vulnerability of those who are in extreme poverty. “In these years we had some sporadic help, but never something permanent, so we made a loan to buy some opticians. Until today we have 4 in San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel and Metapán and we serve with low prices, but we like to maintain the quality of our lenses and this is how the foundation is maintained ”, emphasized Landaverde.

Eye cataracts

Cataracts not operated, that is, without treatment, are the leading cause of blindness in Latin America and in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently noted that there are approximately 285 million visually impaired people, of whom 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision.

Of these, 90% of the global burden of visual impairment is concentrated in low-income countries, however, 80% of cases of visual impairment can be prevented or cured.

In El Salvador the cases are multiplying (8 out of 10) due to the tropical climate, settlements in the coastal zone and the deterioration of the ozone layer, which allows the more direct entry of ultraviolet UV rays (electromagnetic radiation) to the eye that crystallizes some of the proteins so that a small area is clouded until vision is blurred.

The Corazones de Vida Foundation for 2 years has been developing the free sessions of eye cataract operations that have already benefited about 222 Salvadorans and it is expected that this event will be held again next year with specialized medical support from the United States.

“It is as a result that some Koreans, our friends who are in the United States, find out about our work, they have come for 2 years and undergo cataract surgery in 2016 there were 122, this year 100, and this has no cost because they they pay their expenses and we somehow pay for the place and part of what they need ”, added the leader.

He pointed out that “the cataract operation was selected because our country has a tropical climate, we have many people who work in the field and another number who work in fishing and both in the field and in fishing, the sun is something that directly impacts ”.

“It is scientifically proven that cataract has to do with UV rays and the deterioration of the natural lens of the eye, which can be so serious until vision is lost, but when it is operated, this process is stopped and vision is improved”, said Darío Landaverde and hence the importance of benefiting the greatest number of people with this disease.

How to be benefited

To access this benefit, you can go to one of the Foundation’s four opticians to be evaluated by optomestrist specialists, who will determine if you can be on a waiting list that includes about 100 people.

Free operations are scheduled for June next year. Although, if your operation is more urgent, you can choose to have your procedure for $ 275 ($ 1200 or $ 2500 per eye in other places) and you will have to undergo an evaluation at the respective locations in San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel and Metapán.

“For those who cannot wait because generally these diseases do not give time, we have made an arrangement with an Eye Hospital, which has all the characteristics to make this tip.